Maintaining the right level of testosterone can be tricky today. Healthy women make up to 300 micrograms of testosterone in their ovaries and adrenal glands every day.
Like men, women with low testosterone levels often experience chronic fatigue, a stunt in their libido and a decreased sense of well-being. So, this is a hormone that everyone should keep an eye on.
Testosterone is vital for sexual development when we are young, but it also has a significant role in the development of the body as a whole, assisting us with many things, including muscle and bone growth, and even hair growth.
Testosterone also declines as we age, which warrants additional measures and careful attention to ensure that levels of testosterone in the blood are adequate and within healthy ranges.
Low testosterone has become a major health issue today, and I will explain why and how you can fix it. If you have low testosterone, the natural treatments that I will explain later will absolutely help you overcome it faster. In fact, if you implement this process, you’re probably going to notice changes in probably 24 to 48 hours — that fast.
Many of the side effects that men experience with low testosterone are some of the very same that women experience as well. Symptoms such as reduced libido, depression, fatigue and weakness are all par for the course.
Considering the types of effects low testosterone can have, even on females, it’s best practice to learn how testosterone is produced, how it functions and how you can attempt to alleviate age-related symptoms.
How is Testosterone Produced?
Testosterone is considered to be a primary male hormone since it is a hormone that promotes male characteristics throughout life. However, testosterone is in fact produced in females as well, just from different sources and in much lower amounts.
In females, testosterone production occurs in both the adrenal glands and the ovaries. However the whole process begins in the brain, within the hypothalamus, as testosterone production is controlled by what is known as the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis (HPA).
The hypothalamus first releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which travels to the pituitary gland. From there, the pituitary releases follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and another, called luteinising hormone (LH). These two hormones travel towards the ovaries and adrenal glands which activate Leydig cells to produce testosterone. However, much like with estrogen production, the process doesn’t end here, as signals need to be sent back to the pituitary and hypothalamus.
Benefits of Testosterone on the Female Body
You are probably familiar with testosterone as being the sex hormone responsible for defining “manhood.” And, yes, it does. However, proper levels of this key hormone are also necessary to stimulate sexual desire, increase libido, heighten arousal and ensure sexual satisfaction for both men and women. It’s also necessary to maintaining the following:
· A healthy pain response
· Sufficient levels of red blood cells
· Regular sleep patterns
· Optimal bone density
· Muscle mass
· And high energy levels
One of the essential functions of testosterone in the female body is the stimulation of libido and desire. Research suggests that testosterone in females locks onto receptors in the brain, which then stimulate sexual desire.
It does this by directly activating androgen receptors in the brain, which affect sexual interest and gratification. Testosterone can also influence these systems indirectly as it is partly transformed into estrogen through a process known as aromatisation. Once this process occurs, estrogen then influences the brain, stimulating sexual desire and function.
Testosterone levels in the female body also has an integral part to play in the preservation of cardiovascular health and helps you to avoid any potential diseases in relation to sub-optimal cardiovascular health.
Studies have shown that the functional levels of testosterone in the female body influence the function and health of blood vessels, such as arteries and veins. Further to this it was discovered that testosterone improves vaso-dilation, or in other words, the widening of blood vessels which subsequently improves blood flow.
Further studies suggest that testosterone levels in both females and males prevent cognitive decline and other cognition-related issues, such as dementia.
It was also discovered that testosterone in the brain is an anti-inflammatory and protective against oxidative stress. In one study, premenopausal women were administered testosterone to increase levels to be similar to those found in males. The results indicated that when testosterone in females was significantly increased, this resulted in improved visuospatial skills, which is our ability to understand the spatial relationships between objects and mentally manipulate them. As an example, this would be the ability of a person being able gauge the distance between two close objects and subsequently being able to move between them without touching. So in effect, you are creating a mental picture prior to your approach and visualising the ability to move between them successfully.
Testosterone levels in females also play a significant role in measures of cognition like verbal learning and overall memory, which makes this an ideal approach for therapeutic treatment to reduce the impact of age-related testosterone decline.
Testosterone also plays a significant role in bone density health in women, which makes it a realistic target during old age, since women are at a high risk of osteoporosis or the weakening of bones.
Studies have shown that there is an association between the amount of testosterone available in the female body and the occurrence of fractures to the hip, which has serious implications. The connection between testosterone and the increase in lean muscle tissue has been well studied. Research has shown that when free testosterone (the usable form of testosterone) is high, there is a correlation with higher levels of lean muscle mass and strength, with reduced amounts of body fat.
Optimising testosterone production is essential for the health and function of the human body.
As men and women age, their Testosterone levels naturally decline but this can accelerate faster than normal by the typical modern lifestyle which includes:
· Chronic Stress
· Insufficient nutrition
· Imbalanced micro-flora
· Low vitamin D levels
· Weight gain
· Inadequate exercise
· Prescription drugs (especially statins)
All of these risk factors deplete the normal immune response, lead to obesity and diabetes, tax the body and decrease metabolism. The above mentioned list is the recipe for low Testosterone levels.
So, we now know that testosterone plays an integral role in the development and maintenance of the human body. Even though it’s often considered to be a male-specific hormone, it still influences women’s health and bodily functions throughout life.
Since age also reduces the amount and effectiveness of testosterone, it’s absolutely essential to know its implications and take necessary measures to help reduce the impact of this decline.
Unfortunately testosterone is negatively influenced by being in a calorie deficit. Research has shown that when calorie restriction occurs, a consequent reduction of testosterone production results, alongside an increase in sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
When SHBG is elevated, testosterone is bound to it, removing the ability for it to influence other tissues. For testosterone to function in the body, it needs to be devoid of SHBG and considered to be “free.”
Studies have indicated that there is a relationship between calorie restriction and the subsequent decline of testosterone. In one study, researchers showed that when the percentage of calories was increased, there was a dose-response relationship to the decrease of testosterone. As calorie restriction increased, testosterone decline also decreased.
Based on these findings, there are two suggestions to help avoid these issues. First, I suggest that you keep calorie reductions small. Rather than dropping calories by 50%, make smart deficits in calorie intake ranging from 15–20% reductions. This will ensure that you are reducing a meaningful amount of calories, but also limiting the risk of lowering your testosterone significantly.
Second, regularly use re-feeds and diet breaks. Considering that testosterone decline seems to be related to calorie restriction, it’s a good idea to avoid restricting for too long with no breaks.
Testosterone’s Role In Women:
Maintain sex drive: Testosterone actively increases the sex drive in both men and women. However, 86% of women state they have a decrease in sexual interest with menopause as the ovaries stop producing Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone. In some women, testosterone creams have been found to revive sex drive.
Keep bones healthy: The correct balance of testosterone furthers and supports the growth and strength of healthy bones, while too much or too little can harm bones. Testosterone replacement after menopause could help some women maintain healthy bones.
Manage pain levels: According to research in the journal Pain, women who take birth control pills and have levels of testosterone that are out of balance with levels of estrogen might have less ability to manage their pain response.
Preserve cognitive health: Changes in cognition and cognitive fatigue may be related to changing hormone levels. Correcting testosterone levels might help prevent cognitive fatigue.
Testosterone Also Does The Following:
Regulates metabolism
Increases sense of emotional well-being, self-confidence, and motivation
Increases muscle mass and strength
Maintains a healthy immune function
Helps maintain memory
Increases muscle tone so your skin does not sag
Decreases excess body fat
Regulates mood and aids brain function
The following are symptoms of Testosterone loss:
Muscle wasting despite adequate calorie and protein intake
Weight gain and decline in muscle tone
Fatigue, decreased energy
Low self-esteem
Decreased HDL (good cholesterol)
Decreased sex drive
Mild depression
Less dreaming
Dry, thin skin, with poor elasticity
Loss of pubic hair
Thinning and dry hair
Droopy eyelids
Sagging cheeks
Thin lips
Hypersensitive, hyper-emotional states
Low Testosterone Levels Can Be Caused By:
Surgical menopause
Adrenal stress or burnout
Psychological trauma
Birth control pills
Certain medications can lower testosterone
9 Natural Testosterone Boosters
1. Intermittent Fasting
The first of the natural testosterone boosters is intermittent fasting. It’s been shown to increase testosterone by nearly 200 percent or even up to 400 percent. In addition, a study noted that growth hormone levels increased 2,000 percent over the baseline in men who ate no calories for 24 hours, and growth hormone levels are correlated with testosterone.
Intermittent fasting basically means you skip breakfast, and you eat your meals closer together. This allows your organs to rest, especially your liver, which is so crucial for balancing hormones, especially testosterone.
2. Weight Training and Interval Training
It’s no surprise that exercise has a positive influence on testosterone levels. In fact, research shows that even moderate-intensity aerobic activity might significantly increase levels of testosterone in the body.
One study that evaluated the effects of different resistance training techniques on female testosterone, found that just three resistance training sessions per week significantly increased levels of circulating testosterone.
Lifting weights in the six to twelve rep range using the larger muscle groups like your quadriceps, hamstrings, back, shoulders and chest will help your body pack on the maximum amount of muscle. Specifically, lifting at least 30 minutes up to as long as an hour or so can be very, very beneficial to boost low testosterone levels. Researchers found that “strength training can induce growth hormone and testosterone release.”
In addition to weight training, combining this with interval training has been proven to not only boost Testosterone levels, but also keeps your testosterone elevated and can prevent its decline. High Intensity Interval Training causes your body to burn fat for the next 36 hours to replace your body’s vital energy stores. It addition to increasing your Testosterone, it can help burn between three and nine times more fat, lower your resting heart rate, lower blood pressure, keep your brain young by increasing circulation, and aids in detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic system.
3. Healthy Fats
Step three is to add healthy fats into your diet. There are three categories of healthy fat. Number one is healthy saturated fat. The truth about saturated fat is it’s actually good for you if it’s the proper kind. Healthy saturated fat is found in coconut oil and raw, fermented dairy products like goat milk kefir, yogurt, or raw goat or sheep milk cheese.
The other type of fat you need is omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming salmon two times per week or adding a quality fish oil supplement is great. Flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts are also great for low testosterone as you get those omega-3s.
Finally, monounsaturated fats can be natural testosterone boosters. Consuming an avocado everyday or some olive oil and almonds really helps get those healthy fats that can help you naturally boost your testosterone levels.
4. Liver Detox
The next step on the natural testosterone boosters scale is to embark on a liver cleanse. Your liver is so crucial to testosterone levels. When your liver does not function optimally, it affects your testosterone output. That’s because the liver holds an enzyme that conjugates the 17beta-hydroxyl group of testosterone.
A study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology notes that “serum testosterone is reduced in up to 90 percent of patients with cirrhosis, with levels falling as liver disease advances.” This shows just how vital liver health is to your testosterone, and countless studies verify the effects of liver function on testosterone.
5. Stress Reduction
Studies have shown that women who have low testosterone, also struggle with frustration, unforgiveness and anger issues, those things all drop your testosterone levels over time. It’s one of the ways that chronic stress is destroying your quality of life.
Mental and physical stress can be quite therapeutic and is actually necessary for the body. The problem is when you are chronically stressed and your body gets stuck in the state where it’s pumping out cortisol (the “stress” hormone) nonstop.
A 2010 study suggested this when researchers evaluated the “dual-hormone hypothesis” clinically. They discovered that when cortisol is elevated, testosterone responds by elevating as well but soon after bottoms out at a much lower level than before cortisol kicked in! Write down a list of the people you need to forgive and then do so. You can do that just yourself, between you and God, or you can do that in person but it really is important. You can also turn to personal growth books, or seek out the help of a counselor. Really take care of those emotional issues, specifically resentment, unforgiveness, anger and frustration and it will help naturally raise your testosterone levels.
6. Vitamin D
One of the most important nutrients that can help boost testosterone levels is vitamin D3. In 2011, the results of a study published in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research announced that vitamin D supplementation boosts testosterone naturally in overweight women by up to 30 percent.
If you have a vitamin D deficiency, it will destroy your testosterone levels. Try and get out in the sun 20 to 30 minutes every day to detox your body and get that all-important vitamin D.
Any day that you don’t get 20 minutes of direct sunlight on your skin, you want to supplement with 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3. If you get your blood levels tested and you’re extremely low, below 50 IUs, you typically want to do 5,000 IUs twice a day for three months until you get those numbers up. You can do everything in the world, but if your vitamin D levels are not right, your testosterone levels will stay low.
7. Get Quality Sleep
Getting enough sleep and at the right times are two of the most effective natural ways to raise testosterone. Most people require around seven hours of sleep every night, and it’s critical to take advantage of the 10 p.m. — 2 a.m. window.
Your body’s circadian rhythm essentially resets itself every night and releases chemicals like cortisol, which contribute to the overall hormone balance that can prevent low Testosterone levels. One hour of sleep between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. has the same healing effects on your body as two hours of sleep before or after this timeslot! Ideally, go to bed around 10 p.m. and wake up around 6 a.m. for optimal hormone balance.
8. Lower Body Fat Percentage
Weight loss has a predictable and linear relationship with increased testosterone naturally. When you consider the effects that insulin resistance and poor sleeping habits have on testosterone, they all closely knit together with obesity. At the core of this issue is cutting out processed sugars from your diet, which has been linked to insomnia, obesity, diabetes and countless hormone disorders.
9. The Body Box — EXTREME T-BOOST
The Body Box’s Extreme T-Boost is a great supplement option because it acts as a precursor hormone to both estrogen and testosterone. After ingestion, Extreme T-Boost provides building blocks for these hormones to be produced.
One study where subjects were provided with three different dosages of Extreme T-Boost over the course of three months revealed that there was a dose-response relationship between supplementing and testosterone levels.
When subjects ingested just six tablets per day, three in the morning and three tablets later in the day for three months, these subjects displayed almost a 300% increase in circulating testosterone, showing that The Body Box’s Extreme T-Boost may be an appropriate choice for age-related testosterone decline.
Just remember that the benefits seem to be due to regular consumption. Ensure that you are taking Extreme T-Boost regularly to influence testosterone levels positively.

Final Word On Testosterone
Before considering hormone replacement therapy, I suggest that you adopt a sound resistance and aerobic training approach. Further to this avoid excessive, chronic calorie restriction, as doing so can significantly reduce testosterone levels. Lastly, consider the use of a The Body Box Extreme T-Boost supplement. Just as it acts as a precursor for estrogen production, the same holds true for testosterone.
Actionable Steps For Optimising Testosterone
1. Exercise regularly. Exercise seems to be positively correlated with healthy testosterone levels. I suggest that you incorporate a training approach that leverages both heavy resistance training and aerobic exercise of varying intensities.
2. Avoid excessive and chronic calorie restriction. Rather than just dieting, I suggest that you regularly implement re-feeds and dieting breaks to avoid any significant reductions in circulating testosterone.
3. Consider using The Body Box Extreme T-Booster, which is scientifically proven and acts as a precursor hormone to estrogen and testosterone. Supplementing regularly may prove useful for returning estrogen and testosterone to healthy, functional levels.